
Getting your horse’s feed right is important at the best of times; when they’re sick or under pressure it’s absolutely critical.

With so many feeds and supplements available on the market today, choosing the right combination can be a minefield. Equicare can provide clear, impartial, evidence-based advice.

As an experienced equine vet and nutritionist, Chloe provides detailed nutritional consultations, whether your horse is healthy, competing or dealing with a medical, orthopaedic or behavioural condition.

Nutrition is the foundation of health; we’re here to help you get it right.


Equicare is here to help you and your horse when you need it most, in good times and bad. We provide detailed nutritional assessments from an independent veterinary equine nutritionist. A large part of horses that we see need nutritional management of medical, orthopaedic or behavioural problems. We also carry out nutritional optimisation for a wide range of performance and leisure horses.

Equicare’s equine vet and nutritionist is Dr Chloe Casalis de Pury MA(Cantab) VetMB MRCVS. Chloe is uniquely placed to advise on how your horse’s diet can impact upon their health and recovery. Chloe has over ten years of experience in managing the nutritional needs of horses with a wide range of conditions. She has worked internationally with studs, racehorses, competition horses and leisure horses to optimise performance and promote recovery where needed. Chloe was Nutritional Manager and Vet at the UK’s largest horse feed manufacturer for several years. She has also lectured internationally, including at the Global Dressage Forum, Your Horse Live and at Cambridge Veterinary School.

Chloe knows each and every one of her clients and patients by name. With four horses at home, Chloe understands how stressful it can be when your horse is not themselves or is fighting a serious illness. She also appreciates that every horse is different and what works for one may not work for another, so provides personalised, practical advice tailored to your horse’s needs and lifestyle.

We work alongside your veterinary surgeon and other equine practitioners and can liase directly with them if you wish; in fact many of the horses that we see are referred to Chloe by another vet.

Your horse’s diet needs to provide them with all the building blocks they need to perform and recover. Take the guesswork out of feeding and let Equicare provide an evidence-based, tailored, veterinary nutritional consultation and diet plan.


“Fleur is getting back to her cheeky self again which is great.  She is loving her new feed and is eating more haylage. Thank you for everything!”

Juliet, Buckinghamshire.

“Dex has been on his new diet a few weeks now and I’ve already seen a massive difference in him, in not only his ridden work but also his demeanour and behaviour on the ground. He’s much happier in himself and no longer girthy to tack up! Thank you!! 5🌟

Sophie, Lancashire

“Chloe visited our yard at the start of April 2021 and her support and advice has been invaluable. My horse was suddenly diagnosed with laminitis back in August 2020 after no previous history with the condition. I spent hours looking at what was best to feed him and thought I was giving him the right diet – only when did I have Chloe out to visit him, did I realise he was missing many essential vitamins and minerals and was not getting what he needed! The use of the weighbridge also meant I could get an accurate weight for him, unlike the weigh tape that was working out at 120kg LIGHTER than what he actually was! I’ve contacted Chloe a couple of times since she visited for some advice and she has been a godsend ever since! Jay looks incredible on his new diet and his weight hasn’t ballooned either – a normal occurrence for him in spring! I highly recommend booking in to get your horse checked – you really won’t regret it

Laura, Wiltshire


Fescue toxicity: can Fescue grass cause liver disease in horses?

When your horse has a problem with their liver it can be difficult to find out exactly what caused it. Occasionally owners of horse with hepatopathies (liver disease) worry that their grass could be causing the issue. A quick internet search pulls up something called “fescue toxicity”. Could fescue toxicity be a cause of liver …

Hay soaking: old fashioned and unnecessary! What to do instead.

What does the research say about hay soaking? Surveys suggest that around 40% of horse owners soak their hay before feeding it, either to try to reduce starch and sugar content or to reduce dustiness. BUT hay soaking may not actually achieve either of those things! Soaking hay for 12 hours in cold water may …


To discuss any aspect of your horse’s feeding or to book a consultation, please get in touch with Chloe directly:

Mobile: 07385 890631

Email: chloe@equicarenutrition.co.uk